Bronze Corydoras

Sale price£3.95


Bronze Corydoras Catfish, beloved for their peaceful nature and distinctive appearance, are delightful additions to tropical aquariums. These small, bottom-dwelling catfish, originating from South America, feature a bronze-coloured body with scattered dark markings and adorable whisker-like barbels. They bring a sense of activity and charm to the aquarium substrate.

Creating an optimal habitat for Bronze Corydoras involves providing a well-decorated aquarium with smooth substrate to protect their sensitive barbels. They appreciate hiding spots such as caves, driftwood, or plants, mimicking their natural environment and offering security. Keeping them in groups of at least six individuals promotes their well-being and encourages natural behavior.

Maintaining suitable water conditions is crucial for Bronze Corydoras. Keep the temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C) and maintain a slightly acidic to neutral pH. Regular water changes and efficient filtration contribute to a clean and healthy aquatic environment.

Bronze Corydoras are omnivores and readily accept high-quality sinking pellets, wafers, and occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp. Their peaceful demeanour and active foraging behaviour make them excellent companions for community aquariums. With proper care, Bronze Corydoras thrive and add both aesthetic appeal and vitality to tropical aquariums.

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